
We are now looking for Keio EDGE Program 2016 participants!


Keio EDGE Program aims to provide practical training of /本プログラムは以下の3つの力を実践的に学びます。

New Value Creation Capability

New Business Synthesis Capability

Interdisciplinary Approach Capability

Keio EDGE Program is an innovator acceleration program and it is OPEN to everyone who is willing to become an innovator in any domain of their choice. We are very proud to announce that this is our 3rd year with the program funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology JAPAN and the curriculum is changing and evolving with many feedbacks from the alumni of the 1st and 2nd year!

The program offers a practical education and training for domain free mindset and toolset for innovation development with highly interactive environment.

The program is most appreciated by potential entrepreneurs, super engineers, outstanding business persons, distinguished designers, influential activists, or all of the above type person!
All the instructors are very unique in many ways and they are global minded innovators themselves. They are topnotch space systems engineers, outstanding business management and consultants, award winning designer, active startup founder/CEOs and more. Check out the Keio EDGE Program instructors for the details.
This program is designed and provided by Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management faculties and staffs.

All programs will be offered in ENGLISH.
English skill of TOEIC 700 points or higher is strongly recommended.
NO ACADEMIC CREDIT will be granted.
CERTIFICATE will be awarded when you complete both Intensive Workshop and Project Work.

NO TUITION required.
*The tuition for the Keio EDGE Program is covered by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan.





2015年6月にオープンしたKeio EDGE Lab, Creative Loungeの様々な3Dプリンター、レーザーカッターなどを駆使して、自分の考えやアイディアをどんどん具現化して実際に試すことで、飛躍的に向上させるRapid Prototyping, Lean Startupと呼ばれる考え方の実践を学びます。

また、Keio EDGE Program以外のプログラムでは学ぶことのできない、これらを統合的に駆使することについて最も力を入れています。

昨年度プログラム(Keio EDGE Program 2015)のビデオやスライドからプログラムの様子をご覧になれます。(リンク)

[Application Form]

To apply for the Keio EDGE Program 2016 follow the link below and submit the application.

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Application deadline is Wednesday, August 17th, 5PM (JST).
We will announce the result by the end of August.

Program Detail

The program consist of two phases; Intensive Workshop (7 days) and Project Work (3 months).
Application is OPEN to everyone but actual enrollment seats are limited.

We already have 4 reserved seats for participants who will be joining the program from overseas!
They have won highly competitive selection process conducted in 4 countries; India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. They are all enthusiastic, intelligent, and fun person who is willing to become a successful entrepreneur in global context, just like YOU!

60 applicants will be selected based on their application and resume to participate the 6-day Intensive Workshop. You can find the link for the application form at the bottom of this flyer.
Intensive Workshop is focused to cover innovative thinking mindset and innovation development toolsets for potential innovators.
See Intensive Workshop section at the bottom of this flyer for detailed lecture contents.
During the workshop all participants will be evaluated based on individual team contribution and class contribution.

20 participants will be selected based on the evaluation to proceed to the Project Work.
5 teams of 4 people will be tackling design challenge during the Project Work phase utilizing the mindset and toolset learned in the Intensive Workshop.
The design challenge is to create innovative solution along with fascinating business design result.
Please expect roughly 10 to 20 hours of group work a week in addition to biweekly lectures. Some teams of Keio EDGE 2014 and were so enthusiastic and excited about the project and they worked more than 20 hours a week! It is up to your team how you want to do your group work.
All the teams are highly encouraged to work together with the instructors anytime during the Project Work. Consider them as your friendly mentors instead of instructors. They are available on your request and happy to work with you. The best way to get most out of the Project Work phase is to work and discuss with the instructors often and learn innovative thinking from this experience. Also, all the teams have free access to our KEIO EDGE LAB Creative Lounge! (Click for the detail)
You are free to do service prototyping at the Creative Lounge space, 3D print your idea at the Lab, put together a breadboard for quick test, and many more things if it helps your design process.
So consider that the Project Work is a semi-real startup project experience with mentors in very easy reach and with easy access to the rapid prototyping lab.
Find more information on the Project Work at the bottom of this flyer.

Also, during the Project Work, we will have several Social Nights with special guests!
It is a great opportunity for you to meet and have casual conversation with active entrepreneurs, engineers engaged in cutting edge projects, venture capitalists, emerging designers and other types of inspiring people. Many of these guests are in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. They are around your age so you will find them close to you and there will be a lot of time to ask questions!

Since we are looking for a good mixture of full time students and full time working people so our lectures are scheduled around holidays and Sundays.
You may find this schedule a not user-friendly one but this strategy has been working great with active and busy potential innovators who are usually occupied during the weekdays. So this strategy is almost guaranteeing that you will only meet those who are passionate enough to show up on holidays and weekends!

Find detailed location and dates for the workshop and lectures at the bottom of this flyer.

To sum it up, it is a great opportunity for those looking for a chance to be trained as an innovator and also a great chance to meet innovative minded friends from all over the world!!

Check out the material (PowerPoint slides) and videos from 2015 program here! (LINK)

We are looking forward to seeing many of you!
Keio EDGE Program Instructors Team

More Information

[Intensive Workshop]

September 17th (Sat) Kickoff Day: Discussion on innovation and innovative. Get toknow each other.
September 18th (Sun)Day 2: Design Thinking workshop. Human-centered mindset and tools.
September 19th (Mon)Day 3: Systems Thinking workshop. Goal oriented mindset and system design methods.
September 21st (Wed)Day 4: Global Innovator Forum. Some keynote speeches, panel discussion, and presentations.
September 22nd (Thu)Day 5: Rapid Prototyping workshop. Fail fast and iterative philosophy and digital fabrication tools and techniques.
September 25th (Sun)Day 6: Business Synthesis workshop. New value creation mindset and business design approaches.
October 2nd (Sun)Day 7: Innovative Design Process One Day Exercise: Tackle a design challenge given by the instructor utilizing all Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Rapid Prototyping, Business Synthesis mindset and toolset within a day to deliver an INNOVATIVE SOLUTION!

It will be highly interactive with your peers and instructors throughout the Intensive Workshop phase.
It is fun and very intellectually intensive.
Please expect that you will be TALKING A LOT, LISTING A LOT, and DOING A LOT with various background and nationality people.

[Project Work]

A design challenge theme will be assigned to all the teams. Teams will work on their own for two weeks and get together and have short presentations on their design progress and the discussion with the peers and the instructors will follow. The discussion is conducted so it will be a constructive and creative instead of being just critical.
The design challenge is to create an INNOVATIVE SOLUTION along with FASCINATING BUSINESS DESIGN RESULT for given context.

October 9th (Sun) Project Work Kickoff Day: Project team will be announced and the design challenge will start.
October 23rd (Sun) First report day
November 6th (Sun) Second report day
November 20th (Sun) Third report day
December 4th (Sun) Final Presentation Day


Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Collaboration Complex
2nd floor Keio EDGE Lab Creative Lounge or
3rd floor C3N15


Intensive Workshop (7 days) starts on Saturday, September 17th and the schedule is the following.
September 17th (Sat)
September 18th (Sun)
September 19th (Mon)
September 21st (Wed)
September 22nd(Thu)
September 25th (Sun)
October 2nd (Sun)

Project Work (3 months) starts on Sunday, October 9th and we will get together every other week.
October 9th (Sun)
October 23rd (Sun)
November 6th (Sun)
November 20th (Sun)
December 4th (Sun)

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