Ms. Taniphan Euachongprasit from Thailand is joining Keio EDGE program 2015

From Thailand, Ms. Taniphan Euachongprasit was selected as a student to be invited to Keio EDGE 2015 fall program.

This is the second time for Keio EDGE faculties to visit Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC) in Bangkok, Thailand. Further to their fist visit with mini-workshop at TCDC in January 2015, they came back to TCDC and held two days workshop and the prospects’ interview that is to select student who wish to join Keio EDGE program in Japan.

About 50 participants with various backgrounds were gathered for the workshop. Keio EDGE faculties received an enthusiastic response from participants and had very successful time. On the second day afternoon, prospects’ interview was conducted for several candidates who wish to join Keio EDGE program in Japan.

Among the candidates, Ms.Taniphan Euachongprasit’s highly capable performance during the workshop and her excellent personality were particularly evaluated by Keio EDGE faculties, and she won the high-level selection.


We look forward to having Ms.Taniphan as a Keio EDGE fall program student very soon!


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